
Wikinger Reisen 2022 1473 Polen Gdańsk
Poland Gdańsk

Your journey

Event in Poland

Poland surprises with a natural landscape that seems to have been created specifically for travel and events with an active character. You will find a large selection of hotels and well-developed infrastructure for active travel for your trip or event. Three areas of Poland are even suitable for a short stay active event:

Island of Usedom and Wollin

Insel Usedom Und Wollin
Island of Usedom and Wollin

You can reach the island of Usedom and Wollin from Berlin after a 3-hour drive. The numerous hotels allow you to choose between ** and ***** categories – depending on the standard of comfort your customer desires. Whether it’s a congress, a company event or a week-long active trip: all types of events can be easily carried out on the two islands. A well-developed network of cycling and hiking trails ensures the active character. If you would rather explore one of the coastal rivers by kayak, we can also organize a varied paddling tour for you (also good for beginners suitable!).

The Greater Poland Lake District

Großpolnische Seenplatte
Poland Lake District

The Greater Poland Lake District and the Notecka Primeval Forest are less than 200 km away from Berlin. In the immediate vicinity of the jungle there is a palace hotel where an event for up to 60 people can be held. The lake district is also considered a little-known hiking paradise in Poland. Whether on the Warta, Obra or on the lake shores: the hiking trails meander along the endless watercourses and delight with their untouched and quiet landscape. Which can of course also be experienced from a kayak.

Giant Mountains

Giant Mountains

The journey to the Giant Mountains from Wroclaw also takes no longer than two hours. The low mountain range with its rustic buildings and well-developed network of hiking trails is considered the home of hiking. 200 years ago, hikers roamed the mountains here from hut to hut. However, you no longer have to rely on this as a place to stay overnight: down in the valley, dozens of hotels with ** to ***** standards await visitors looking for comfort. This means you can have your event organized with any standard of comfort. And combine it with mountain hiking in summer and skiing, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing in winter.

Other destinations in Poland

Weitere Zielgebiete Polens

But it’s not just Poland’s western border regions that are worth a trip. Masuria is very popular with its numerous lakes. Or the High Tatras, which, with its alpine character, is considered the smallest high mountain range in the world. You can easily combine Poland’s most beautiful natural landscapes with the country’s cultural highlights as part of a study trip. Cities like Wroclaw, Krakow or Gdansk are definitely worth seeing on a trip to Poland!

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