Who are we

Activeast – specialist for active travel in Eastern Europe

A family business

We are Activeast: Eva and Darek. Married since 2003, we run the company founded in 2014 as a duo.

Its uniqueness lies in the combination of specialist knowledge and passion. When we studied Slavic studies, we dealt intensively with the countries and languages ​​of Eastern Europe. Study and professional stays further deepened our know-how. But it was the combination of our Eastern European expertise with our enthusiasm for hiking, cycling and other outdoor sports that made Activeast what it is today: a specialist for active travel in Eastern Europe.

Darek Ewa
Eva & Darek


Eva, born in Poland. Studied Slavic studies, nutritionist and aspiring yoga teacher. Passionate climber and mountaineer with summit successes on Aconcagua, Elbrus and Matterhorn, among others. From 2009 to 2015 she headed the language course department at the Goethe Institute in Warsaw. Happy mother of our daughter Tosia since April 2016. At Activeast she takes care of finances.



Darek, born in Poland. Studied Slavic studies, author (Traumtreks Europa, 2011) and mountain hiking guide. Passionate mountaineer and expedition leader with summit successes on Cho Oyu, Aconcagua and Elbrus. Management of expeditions and trekking trips, including to Mount Everest, Kilimanjaro, Mera Peak and much more. Since 2006, purchasing and development of trekking and hiking trips for the largest hiking tour operator in Germany. At Activeast he is responsible for product development, travel organization and deployment planning for our team on site.

But without our team on site we would not be able to handle the work that needs to be done. This includes, above all, the accounting team in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. As well as the numerous hiking guides, travel and event managers who will ensure that your trip/event is a success. Below we briefly introduce part of our team.

Our team on site

Whether it’s a study or hiking trip, team building or a company event: you’ll always have a friendly specialist on site to help you. Here we introduce some of our guides from our core team:


Patrycja is our woman for the Giant Mountains. Whether hiking, snowshoeing or biking – the trained mountain hiking guide has her groups well under control. By the way: She also knows the neighboring Hirschberger Valley like the back of her hand.



Michal grew up in a Silesian family with German roots in Upper Silesia. During his childhood, both German and Polish were his native languages. Even in his youth, he was interested in the history and culture of his home region, which is why he studied German with a focus on cultural studies in Wroclaw/Breslau. In addition to his studies, he trained as a city guide in Wroclaw/Breslau and a mountain guide for the Giant Mountains region.



Andrzej is a hydrobiologist and educator by profession. His hobbies are hiking and canoeing. He can pursue his second passion right on his doorstep in Masuria, so to speak. When he wants to go mountain hiking, he prefers to go to the Tatra Mountains and the Forest Carpathians. He works as a licensed German-speaking city guide in Olsztyn and tourist guide in Warmia and Masuria.

Countries between the Baltic Sea and Balaton
Experience national parks on over 1000 km of cycling and hiking trails
Over 3000
satisfied active holidaymakers
10 years
Experience in active tourism

Customer testimonials

It was one of my best trips! Poland is a very impressive country. My expectations were exceeded. Michal is a perfect and very dedicated tour guide. I was impressed by his immense knowledge and his sovereignty. He constantly tried to bring us closer to his country and surprise us with little extras. I would travel with him again in a heartbeat. I think you will pass the praise on to him Michal. He really deserves it!” Ms. Beate F.
“The trip was great. There are also no changes to the culture and hiking program. I would have liked a day longer. It’s very nice to have half a day of free time in Wroclaw, Krakow or the other cities. It was a lot of information. It’s very good to find out as much as possible about the country, people, etc. Our tour guide Michal did a great job!” Ms. Ines M.
“A great trip that shows you and lets you experience the country’s complex history, the current political challenges, the cultural diversity alongside the geographical beauties. I congratulate the organizer on this experienced tour guide Michal, who is very knowledgeable in many areas and who can provide information about his country in such an experienced and understandable way.” Anonymous
“Those interested in nature and culture alike will get their money’s worth in Masuria and on the Polish Baltic Sea. The tour guide Andrzej scores points with his great knowledge and commitment.” Ms. Brigitte M.
“Masuria is incredibly beautiful, Gdansk is awesome, the shifting dunes are spectacular…etc. Tour guide Andrzej knows every corner and turns everyone into insiders with history, stories and specialist knowledge. The weather was great – it couldn’t be better than that.” Ms Barbara U.
“It was very lucky to have Patrycja as a tour guide. She not only accompanied the tours humorously and pragmatically – she also introduced the participants to the country of Poland.” Ms Karin H.
“I can’t remember ever experiencing such a perfectly organized and perfectly led trip. Everything was really right here: the timing of departure and arrival times, the organization of room keys upon arrival, the breaks, even the meal breaks. And above all, the transfer of knowledge was excellent; a comprehensive, very differentiated picture of the country and culture was conveyed. It was also very nice that we went on evening walks with the tour guide in the big cities. Conclusion: Excellent tour guide, congratulations on this line-up! I will recommend this trip.” Ms Annegret G.
“Our tour guide was just great! The first day of hiking in the Hirschberger Valley would be nice if you had more time for cultural visits, for example in the beautiful castles or getting to know the towns of Hirschberg and Lomnitz. Patrycja came up with a very nice program for our optional day.” Ms Elke L.
“I think the trip is really nice and the tour guide Patricyja really deserves an award. Super helpful, incredible knowledge!!” Ms. Regine B.

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