(Hiking) study trip

Polen Kraków (1)
Polen Kraków

(Hiking) study trip

For those interested in culture, it is certainly the number 1 travel choice. Poland offers a number of cultural treasures that are unique in the world: Marienburg, for example, the largest religious castle in the world. Or the Oberländer Canal with its rolling mountains, unique in the world. There are also cities like Krakow, Gdansk or Thorn, which delight with their numerous architectural monuments and their medieval flair.

Connection of nature and culture

We at Activeast combine the cultural highlights of Eastern Europe with nature experiences. After visiting Gdansk, your group can hike over the coastal cliffs near Gdynia. Wroclaw can be wonderfully combined with the Giant Mountains, Krakow with the High Tatras. This combination of nature and culture makes Activeast’s trips unique: your guests can enjoy a varied and exciting trip in Poland, the Czech Republic or Lithuania.

Do you want to combine a study trip with hiking? Then write to us.

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